All Times are Eastern Daylight Savings Time
This schedule is subject to change
6 PM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until Midnight. NO ANIMALS WILL BE ACCEPTED BEFORE 6:00 PM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2021 6 AM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until Midnight. 1:00 PM - Youth Department Check-in for Royalty Contestants (Pavilion) 5:00 PM - Rabbitcon Sessions begin 5:30 PM - ARBA Board meeting begins - Crowne Plaza 9:00 PM - Rabbitcon Sessions Continues 9:30 PM - ARBA Board meeting recess 10:00 PM - ARBA Youth Department Check-in for contests closes SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2021 6 AM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until 3 PM. 8:00 AM - Opening Ceremonies in the Main Showroom (West Wing) ARBA Youth Department contest Check-in Opens 8:45 PM - Cavy Judges' Conference (Meeting Room) 9:00 AM - Rabbitcon Sessions ARBA Judges' Exam at ARBA Booth 10:00 AM - ARBA Member Registration begins for JUDGES ONLY (West Wing) ARBA Youth Judging Contest begins in the Youth Area (Pavilion) ARBA BOOTH OPENS IN THE OPEN SHOWROOM (West Wing) 2026-2030 Standard of Perfection Change Process Information Meeting Breed Club Presidents and Breed Chairs (New Market Hall) 11:00 AM - ARBA Youth Breed Identification Contest begins in the Youth Area (Pavilion) Youth Educational Project Check-in begins (Pavilion) ARBA Member registration begins for ALL members (West Wing) 12:45 AM - Judges' Luncheon (RSVP) 12:00 PM - ARBA Youth Team Judging and Team Breed Identification Contest begins in the Youth Area (Pavilion) 1:00 PM - ARBA Judges Conference. (New Market Hall) Open to all members. For credit, all judges and registrars must be present for both open and closing roll calls ends at 4:00 PM. 2:00 PM - All Youth Education Materials MUST BE in place (Pavilion) 3:00 PM - Entries close Check-in closes. All packets must be picked up and all substitutions made. 4:00 PM - ARBA Judges conference only licensed judges may attend. Session ends at 5:00PM. 4:15 PM - Crossroads Rabbit and Cavy Shows meeting with Breed Chairmen & Breed Secretaries (Meeting Room #1) 5:00 PM - ARBA Booth closes. Commercial judging begins (Broadbent Arena) 7:00PM - ACBA Board Meeting (Cavy Headquarters) 9:00 PM - Animals must be cooped. SHOWROOM CLOSES. |
6:00 AM - Showrooms open 7:30 AM - Non-Denominational Services (West Hall) 7:30AM - Convention Judges meeting- (Meeting Room #2) 8:00 AM - Royalty Contest - Written Test (Pavilion) Judging Begins - Open (West Wing) ARBA Member Registration continues 9:00 AM - Judging Begins - Youth (West Wing) 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Booth Contest Judging 4:00 PM - Youth Contest - Judging Call Backs posted (Youth Booth) Youth Royalty Oral Interview Schedule posted (Youth Booth) 5:00 PM - ARBA Membership Registration closes ARBA Booth closes 10:00 PM - Showrooms close MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2021 6:00 AM - Showrooms open 7:00 AM - Judging begins (West Wing) 9:00 AM - Cavy New Breed/Variety presentation to the ARBA Cavy Standards Committee (West Wing) 10:00 AM - ARBA Royalty Oral Interviews Call Backs for ARBA Youth Judging Contest (Pavilion) 11:00 AM - ACBA General Meeting (Cavy Headquarters) 1:30 PM - Cavy BEST IN SHOW JUDGING -- Youth & Open 3:00 PM - Rabbit BEST IN SHOW JUDGING - Youth & Open 6:00 PM - Showrooms close 6:30 PM - Cash Bar Opens - Crowne Plaza 7:30 PM - ARBA Banquet - Crowne Plaza 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM - Youth Activity TBD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2021 7:00 AM - Showrooms open 8:00 AM - New Breed and Variety presentation to the ARBA Standards Committee (West Wing) 9:00 AM - Rabbit Hopping Contest (Pavilion) Domestic & International Health Check & Certification Begins USDA APHIS International Document Certification Begins 10:00 AM - Rare Breed Best In Show Open & Youth (West Wing) 12:00 PM - Youth Scholarship Raffle Drawing. Health Checks and Certifications Ends 1:00 PM - ARBA General Membership Meeting (West Hall) 6:00 PM - Showrooms close 6:30 PM - ARBA Youth Banquet-Crowne Plaza WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2021 6:00AM - Showrooms open 7:00 AM - Release of animals 9:00 AM - Final ARBA Board Meeting (Crowne Plaza) 12:00 PM - Showrooms close ALL RABBITS AND CAVIES MUST BE OUT OF COOPS. A secured holding area will be provided for late departures. Crossroads Rabbit and Cavy Shows will, at their discretion, will dispose of any animals left in the building. All Booths MUST be torn down and out of building. |