All Times are Eastern Daylight Savings Time
This schedule is subject to change at anytime
6 PM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until Midnight. NO ANIMALS WILL BE ACCEPTED BEFORE 6:00 PM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2023 7 AM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until Midnight. 1:00 PM - Youth Department Check-in for Royalty Contestants (Broadbent Arena) 10:00 PM - ARBA Youth Department Check-in for contests closes SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2024 6 AM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until 3 PM. 8 AM - Opening Ceremonies and Keynote Session in the Main Showroom (Broadbent Arena) ARBA Youth Department contest Check-in Opens 8:45 AM - Cavy Judges' Conference (Meeting Room W2) 9 AM - ARBA Judges' Exam at ARBA Booth 10:00 AM - ARBA Member Registration begins for JUDGES ONLY (West Wing) ARBA Youth Judging Contest begins in the Youth Area (Broadbent Arena) ARBA BOOTH OPENS IN THE OPEN SHOWROOM (West Wing) 2026-2030 Standard of Perfection Change Process Information Meeting. Breed Club Presidents and Breed Chairs (New Market Hall) 11 AM - ARBA Youth Breed Identification Contest begins in the Youth Area (Broadbent Arena) Youth Educational Project Check-in begins (West Hall A) ARBA Member registration begins for ALL members (West Wing) 12 PM - ARBA Youth Team Judging and Team Breed Identification Contest begins in the Youth Area (Broadbent Arena) ARBA Judges Luncheon (West Hall W1) 1 PM - ARBA Judges Conference. (West Hall W1) Open to all members. For credit, all judges and registrars must be present for both open and closing roll calls ends at 4:00 PM. 2 PM - All Youth Educational Materials MUST BE in place (Broadbent Hall) 3 PM - Entries close Check-in closes. All packets must be picked up and all substitutions made. 4 PM - ARBA Judges conference only licensed judges may attend. Session ends at 5:00 PM. 4:15 PM - Crossroads Rabbit and Cavy Shows meeting with Breed Chairmen & Breed Secretaries (Meeting Room W4) 5:00 PM - ARBA Booth closes. Commercial judging begins (Broadbent Arena) 7:00PM - ACBA Board Meeting (Cavy Headquarters) 9:00 PM - Animals must be cooped. SHOWROOM CLOSES. |
6 AM - Showrooms open 7:30 AM - Non-Denominational Services (West Hall) 8 AM - Royalty Contest - Written Test (Broadbent Arena) Judging Begins - Open (West Wing) ARBA Member Registration continues 9 AM - Judging Begins - Youth (West Wing) 10 AM - 4:00 PM - Booth Contest Judging Youth Contest - Judging Call Backs posted (Broadbent Arena) Youth Royalty Oral Interview Schedule posted (Broadbent Arena) 5 PM - ARBA Membership Registration closes ARBA Booth closes 10 PM - Showrooms close MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2024 6 AM - Showrooms open 7 AM - Judging begins (West Wing) 9 AM - Cavy New Breed/Variety presentation to the ARBA Cavy Standards Committee (West Wing) 10 AM - ARBA Royalty Oral Interviews Call Backs for ARBA Youth Judging Contest (West Hall A) 11 AM - ACBA General Meeting (Cavy Headquarters) 12:30 PM - Cavy BEST IN SHOW JUDGING - Youth & Open 2 PM - Rabbit BEST IN SHOW JUDGING - Youth & Open 5:30 PM - Cash Bar Opens - KY Derby Museum 6:00 PM - Showrooms close 7:30 PM - ARBA Banquet - Ky Derby Museum 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM - Youth Activity TBD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2024 7:00 AM - Showrooms open 8:00 AM - New Breed and Variety presentation to the ARBA Standards Committee (West Wing) Rabbit Hopping Exhibition (Pavilion) Domestic and International Health Check & Certification begins. USDA APHIS International Document Certification begins. 12:00 PM - Youth Scholarship Raffle Drawing. Health Checks and Certifications ends. 1:00 PM - ARBA General Membership Meeting (Meeting Room W1) 6:00 PM - Showrooms close 6:30 PM - ARBA Youth Banquet-Crowne Plaza WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2024 6:00AM - Showrooms open 7:00 AM - Release of animals 12:00 PM - Showrooms closes |